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Hard Water
water stains occur when a sprinkler or water system
repeatedly sprays over an area or anywhere water often
splashes on glass. Especially bathroom shower glass. This
leaves a foggy-looking appearance on the glass and it can
be very difficult to remove.
Scratch Graffiti Glass
is a form of graffiti created by scratching into metal,
plastic and glass with a sharp object. Unlike graffiti with
paints and markers,
it cannot be removed with cleaning solutions.
Acid Graffiti
etching is a form of graffiti made from an acid containing
craft etching product, found in craft stores. The graffiti
does not show immediately, but it burns into the glass over
a short period of time. The longer the acid etched graffiti
remains, the more permanent it becomes.
Scratched Glass
can be easily scratched in production, shipping and
installation, and also through post-installation use and
vandalism. Prior to today�s advanced technology, most
people had to replace the entire frame to resolve the
Construction Damage
contractors, property managers and homebuilders have to
remove scratches from construction mishaps, such as stucco
damage. We routinely work on construction sites to rectify
these common on-the-job mistakes.
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